Saturday, June 12, 2010

Exodus 8-20: Frog invasion, God the healer, & a kingdom of priests

Sharing a few thoughts from each day's reading. Feel free to jump in and share your own!

- Frog invasion: The plagues God sent on the Egyptians--I had forgotten there were so many, and how horrible they were. Frogs in the beds, pots and pans, and on the people? Yuck! On a trip to Cuba we had a frog in the shower. Just one frog. That was enough.
- God on guard:  I was struck by how present God was in the exodus from Egypt. I love this verse: as the Israelites left Egypt, "God kept watch all night." I love that. God keeps watch over us.
- Celebrate good times:  I was amazed by the detailed instructions on how to celebrate the Passover. I also was reminded of how much God likes celebrations. Do you celebrate often? It's a godly thing to do and commemorates important events. God instructs the people to tell their children "This is what God did for me."
- Enshrouded in darkness:  God took on the form of a pillar of clouds by day and a pillar of fire by night. He told his people that he would fight the battle for them. Then, when he was ready to part the Red Sea, the pillar of clouds moved and blocked the Egyptians from seeing what was happening. He enshrouded them in darkness, while the Israelite camp was bathed in light. I want my camp to be bathed in light. How about you?
- The Healer:  "I am God your healer." (Ex 15:26)
- God hears our complaints (Ex 16:9)
- Teambuilding:  Moses was burned out from administrating and judging, so he took some advice from his father-in-law Jethro, and built a team of people to help share the load. Jethro told him this was so "you have the strength to carry out whatever God commands you." Do you have a team of people to help you? Do you help others carry out God's will?
- You are a priest:  Israel was a kingdom of priests and a holy nation (Ex 19:3-6). They were special and set apart. Love this. We are grafted in to the nation of Israel through Jesus, so this description applies to us, as well. Did you know you are holy, set apart, and a priest?

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